How to Donate

Please bring donations to the sanctuary between the hours of 8.30am and 4pm Monday to Sunday. Please open and come through the red gates and bring items through to the office. Please do not leave anything outside of the shared gateway. Many thanks!

Items that we always need!

Here is a list of our necessities that we are always in need of; Any licensed cat/kitten flea or worming treatments such as Frontline plus, Advantage, any Drontal products, Panacur products, Advocate, Broadline, Stronghold, Bravecto, Profender etc.

Cat litter of any brand/type, Animal food, used towels and blankets are useful too.

Fresh Fruit & Vegetables

Lots of our animals have fresh supplements to their daily feeds, although we cannot feed kitchen scraps, all other fruit or vegetables are very much enjoyed.

Cat & Kitten food

We have many feline residents here at the sanctuary and food donations are very gratefully received by them all. The kittens eat especially well so kitten meat or biscuits will always be in great need.

Cleaning/Laundry Products

We use these items in large quantities daily, you can help us by donating any of the items from the list below.

  • Black Rubbish Bags
  • Sponge Scourers
  • Disposable Gloves
  • Spray Bottles
  • Washing Powder
Easy Fundraising

You can now raise money for Redgate Farm Animal Sanctuary for free every time you shop online by signing up to would be amazed how much you can raise for our animals just by doing your regular weekly food shop.

For more information, see the self-explanatory video here.

Donate via bank transfer, cheque or through eBay for Charity

If you would like to transfer money to us our bank account details are as follows... Royal Bank of Scotland sort code 16-24-23 bank account number: 10045172 . If you wish to give to a specific animal or group of animals please state at the time of donating. Please make cheques payable to Redgate Farm Animal Sanctuary. Alternatively you may donate money directly through Ebay or sell goods and donate between 10% and 100% of the proceeds to Redgate. Paypal donations are to be sent to [email protected]. We appreciate every donation made!